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Where To See Flamenco Dance in Madrid


Where To See Flamenco Dance in Madrid

It’s pretty easy to find places to see flamenco in Madrid. The challenge is knowing where to find quality flamenco. (Yes, you can see plenty of mediocre flamenco even in Spain, and if you’re in Spain, you definitely want to see the good stuff!) So today I'll tell you about four places you can go to see quality flamenco in Madrid, show you some videos of fantastic dancers in action, and address the idea of the 'touristy' flamenco show.

The Flamenco Tablao

One of the best ways to experience flamenco in Madrid is to visit a tablao, a place where flamenco is performed. Here are four tablaos where you can (usually) count on seeing good flamenco in Madrid:

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Los Ejes De Mi Carreta | The Weekly Letra


Los Ejes De Mi Carreta | The Weekly Letra

One Saturday during the last Flamenco Tour to Jerez, after finishing class with Mercedes Ruíz, we showered and headed over to El Porrón for a lunchtime fiesta. José Luís had gotten us some delicious merluza fish from El Puerto de Santa María which Maribel prepared along with lots of aliños (marinated salads), a guiso (stew), and other goodies.

During the fiesta Zorri sang this song, originally a milonga, but he sang it his way, por bulerías.

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Your Love and My Love | The Weekly Letra


Your Love and My Love | The Weekly Letra

I'm in Jerez.

One by one the Flamenco Tour students are arriving. It's so exciting.

Tonight we get to know each other at the opening night tapas reception. Then we'll go to the Peña los Cernícalos to watch Ana María López's Fin de Curso. Tomorrow we begin our workshop with Mercedes Ruíz. The next day we start our bulerías class . . .

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A Student's View of Learning to Dance Flamenco in Jerez


A Student's View of Learning to Dance Flamenco in Jerez

A couple of weeks ago, Virigina, a Flamenco Tour alum, sent me the following account of her time on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez. If you're curious about what happens on the Flamenco Tour, read on... 

My Trip to Jerez

by: Virginia O'Hanlon

I have danced and taught Afro Cuban, Haitian and Brazilian dance for many years. I'm the sort of explorer who likes to "go to the source" so I have gone to these countries many times on dance/study trips. There were a few great trips, some ok, and two really miserable experiences. 

I'm fairly new to flamenco -had 2 years in at the time of this trip- but became intrigued by the "por fiesta" dances so I started looking around for ways to study in Spain, particularly Jerez. I discovered Laura's trips, and it seemed like a structure that would work well for me, so I went last October. It was without a doubt one of the best, richest experiences that I've had, and here are some reasons why.

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Two Take-Aways from Two Days of Class in Jerez


Two Take-Aways from Two Days of Class in Jerez

I've got two flamenco learning tips to share with you today. One from Mercedes and one from Ani. We're on day two of Flamenco Tour classes, and the classes have been going like this:

Technique with Mercedes in the morning. Bulerías with Ani right after. Then choreography and castanets with Mercedes after lunch and siesta. 

Everybody loves Mercedes. Everybody loves Ani. All is well.

Class with Mercedes

The ladies go in and out of concentrating on the steps and being mesmerized by Mercedes and her magnificence.

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Part 2: How to Simplify Your Bulerías (And Your Life)


Part 2: How to Simplify Your Bulerías (And Your Life)

This is a story about how doing less in bulerías can serve us well. It's the follow up to the previous post on observation. Read on, and find out how to simplify your bulerías and perhaps even your life a bit too.November 2013, Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

She said she was going to show them how to dance on a losa.


Y por fiesta.


And party style.

It was Ani who said that. Ana María López. She said it on a Monday morning in Jerez.

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Three Things to Remember When Dancing Bulerías


Three Things to Remember When Dancing Bulerías

I have some more bulerías advice from Ani for you about feeling good today. But first,

Let's talk briefly about steps

Because you learn a lot of steps in in bulerías class.

You could say they are just steps.

To play with.

To practice.

To try out.

To hold on to. (Or to let go of.)

They can even be thought of as tools for understanding how the conversation works.

But going back to the liking them thing...

One day in Jerez

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Sweaty Hard Work


Sweaty Hard Work

I wrote this back in the fall of 2013 when I was in Barcelona studying with David Romero. I thought you might enjoy reading it and finding out more about him...

November 22, 2013

I told you I'd be visiting Barcelona to study with David Romero.

I told you I'd been wanting to take classes from him for years.

And here I am in Barcelona


(Catalán. We are in Barcelona after all.)

Studying with David.

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Three Things That Get Me Out of a Funk | Viernes con una Letra

I want to tell you about some things that help me to feel better when I'm in a funky place. I also want to show you a very cool video and share a flamenco verse with you. But first, some words I wrote last week

(my first week back home post Flamenco Tour)

Coming home I feel overwhelmed.

This is not new.

It is how I usually feel after a trip to Spain. Excited to be back but overwhelmed and sort of confused at the same time.

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11 Things You Hear Regularly in Class with Mercedes


11 Things You Hear Regularly in Class with Mercedes

If you've ever taken class with Mercedes Ruíz, you will likely recognize the words and phrases below. If you have not yet studied with her and plan to, prepare, because you are sure to hear these utterances over and over again.

If you have previously studied with her but were unsure of what she meant, read on, and find out.

If you have not studied with her and don't plan to, read anyway because the first eight are important tips to remember all of the time in your independent practice or in anybody's class.

Let's Begin

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I Want to Get Drunk | Viernes con una Letra


I Want to Get Drunk | Viernes con una Letra

It is Halloween, and I just returned home from the peña. I am in Jerez.

On the way I saw a family dressed up in zombie-style Halloween costumes. Their two dogs were dressed as jack-o-lanters.

At the peña

We saw Manuel Agujetas Hijo sing with Domingo Rubichi accompanying on guitar.

Below is a letra por fandangos that he sang.

(You can hear El Chocolate singing it here.)


No me quites la botella
que yo me quiero emborrachar 
no me quites la botella
voy a beber de verdad 
y a ver si no pienso en ella 
y yo la consigo olvidar

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How I Overcame my Fear of Bulerías (and why I used to hate this dance)


How I Overcame my Fear of Bulerías (and why I used to hate this dance)

My main obstacle to bulerías has always been fear.

Not trusting my instincts.

It's no different from my main obstacle in life

I know indecision well. 

No wonder bulerías has always been so hard for me,

Not enough trust.

In a moment I'll tell you how I've let go of a lot of my bulerías fears (and how you can do the same).

Because the truth is, now I kind of can't get enough of bulerías.

It is not that the fear has been eradicated, it's that the excitement and fun usually slide it over to the side now.  Gracias excitement and fun.

But before I get into any fear eradication techniques, let me give you a bit of background:

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How I Went In | Class With Mercedes


How I Went In | Class With Mercedes

"I want to be in class with Mercedes ALL of the time." That is what I wrote in my journal on April 13, 2011.

But let's go back in time.

I arrived in Jerez on Friday, March 25 and began investigating classes to take.

Though secretly, I did not want to go to any.

A week in Jerez by myself.

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Flamenco Guitarist Santiago Lara, a Video Interview


Flamenco Guitarist Santiago Lara, a Video Interview

When we're on the FlamencoTour, we hear Santi practicing. A lot.

Santiago Lara, that is.  

We're in the studio dancing.  He's either in the bathroom or upstairs practicing.  

When it's time to play for us Mercedes calls for him,


I can hear her saying it now.

Actually, if you listen carefully you can hear her saying it in the video below at about 1 minute 50 seconds...

I first interviewed him in the spring of 2013.  Unfortunately, I lost all of that footage.  I know, back up.

So, I interviewed him again last fall.

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