Today we flashback to 1996 with a video of Miguel Poveda singing tientos. (He's even younger than he was in this one!) 

But first, let's look at one of the letras you'll hear:


Quien tiene pena no duerme
y yo siempre estoy durmiendo
con esto quiero decirte
flamenca que ya no te quiero

He who suffers doesn't sleep
and I'm always sleeping
with this I mean to tell you,
flamenca, that I no longer love you


Listen to Miguel Poveda sing this letra at 1:20 in the video below accompanied by Chicuelo on guitar:

He finishes up singing this about four and a half minutes in. (And you can hear David Palomar sing that one here at 3:50.)

If you want to learn more about tientos, check out this article from Flamencopolis. (It's in Spanish, but your browser might be able to translate it.)

Stay tuned for more tientos to come from José Mercé and Aurora Vargas ...

EDIT: Here is some additional info about this letra that facebook follower, Aram Méndez, shared:

Esta letra o copla de tientos(una forma ralentizada de tangos atribuida al Mellizo) ,la encontramos en el cancionero popular de Castilla y también en el de Murcia. El flamenco es un arte vivo, que se nutre de múltiples fuentes. Esta letra era frecuente en el repertorio de Frijones.

Tientos comes from a slowed down from of tangos attributed to Mellizo. This particular letra (or copla) comes from the popular verses of Castilla and Murcia. Flamenco is a live art form that is nourished from multiple sources. This letra was commonly sung by Frijones

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