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A Peek At The Feria (Video) | The Weekly Letra


A Peek At The Feria (Video) | The Weekly Letra

Traditional festivals (ferias) take place in towns big and small across southern Spain during the springtime. Locals dress up, dance, sing, eat, and have A LOT of fun. There are the bigger ferias (those of Sevilla, Jerez...) and there are the smaller ferias (those of Sanlúcar, El Puerto...). These exclusive springtime ferias are unique to Andalucía, and each one has its very own encanto (charm). One of the great things about the feria is that there you get to see both professionals and everyday people dancing flamenco; some may not dance very well technically, but they dance from the heart.

Below you'll see a video of Samara and Rocío Carrrasco at this year's Feria del Caballo in Jerez along with pictures from a variety of ferias in Andalucía.

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For Mom | The Weekly Letra


For Mom | The Weekly Letra

This one is dedicated to all the beautiful mothers, Happy Mother's Day! (Thank you, Mom!)

Madre Hermosa (Copla)
Juanito Valderrama

Ay, mi mare!, 
como un rayito de luna
regüerto con azahares. 
Mare hermosa, 
vieja de pena por dentro, 
por fuera como una rosa. 
Mare buena, 
con los ojitos de novia
y la cara de azucena. 
¡Qué alegría cuando
le digo a la gente: 
qué guapa la mare mía! 

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Happy International Dance Day  |  The Weekly Letra


Happy International Dance Day | The Weekly Letra

Today in honor of International Dance Day, I have a couple of videos to share with you that will surely make you want to move. You'll love how into it Paloma Fantova gets in the first video. After that watch Parrita sing today's letra. 

¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Danza!

El Agua Más Cristalina (Chorus)
El Parrita

El agua más cristalina
El vaso más reluciente

El mejor mantel que tenga voy a ponerle
No viene a cenar cualquiera

Viene el señor de señores
Y el rey de reyes

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Mercedes | The Weekly Letra


Mercedes | The Weekly Letra

Today's post is not a flamenco letra; it is an acrostic that was written for Mercedes Ruíz when she was about eleven years old. It is written on this photo that hangs on a wall at the Peña Los Cernícalos. 

Es, Jerez de la Frontera,
Rica sal de Andalucía,
Conquistando a España entera,
Ella se llama altanera,
Dichosa, como su abuela,
Este nombre de solera
Soy niña de la Plazuela.

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Mi Niña Lola | The Weekly Letra


Mi Niña Lola | The Weekly Letra

Today, this beautiful song, and a video of Buika performing it.

Mi Niña Lola
Andrés Molina Molés / José Torres Garzón / Luís Rivas Gómez

Dime porqué tienes carita de pena.
¿Qué tiene mi niña siendo santa y buena?
Cuéntale a tu padre lo que a ti te pasa.
Dime lo que tienes reina de mi casa.

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No Somos Dos | The Weekly Letra


No Somos Dos | The Weekly Letra

The other day a friend of mine shared with me the video you see below of Niña Pastori and her husband Chaboli. She is singing a letra written by her father in law, El Jeros, and it is SO beautiful. So, I share it with you today. Enjoy!

From 'Somos Dos’

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Petenera | The Weekly Letra


Petenera | The Weekly Letra

Today find a peteneras letra and a video of Mercedes Ruíz interpreting it.


Yo no creo ni en mi madre
Aunque de mí hable la gente
Que todo en este mundo es mentira
Madre de mi corazón
No hay más verdad que la muerte
No hay quién me lo contradiga

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Las Penas Que Tú Me Das | The Weekly Letra


Las Penas Que Tú Me Das | The Weekly Letra

Today, this first day of February, a letra from Manuel Machado along with a video of Paco de Lucía, La Tana, Duquende, Montse Cortés, Niño Josele, Antonio Serrano, Alain Perez, and El Piraña. 

Manuel Machado

Las penas que tú me das
son penas y no son penas;
que tienen cositas malas,
y tienen cositas buenas.

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