I thought this would be a good song to share today as it takes place on Christmas Eve.

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, it’s a fun one, especially if you like rumbas.

Plus I’m pretty sure within moments of listening to be able to follow along with the video, and partake in the merrymaking.

What do you think?

La marimorena

Ande, ande, ande La Marimorena
Ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.

Los pastores no son hombres que son ángeles del cielo,
y en el parto de María ellos fueron los primeros. 

Ande, ande, ande La Marimorena
Ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.

En el portal de Belén han entrado los ratones
y al bueno de San José le han roído los calzones.

Ande, ande, ande La Marimorena
Ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.

En el portal de Belén hay estrellas, sol y luna
la Virgen y San José, y el Niño que está en la cuna.

Ande, ande, ande La Marimorena
Ande, ande, ande que es la Nochebuena.

Esta noche es Nochebuena y mañana Navidad
dame la bota María que me voy a emborrachar.

The Big Party

Go, go, go to the big party
Go, go, go, for it’s Christmas Eve.

The shepherds are not men they are angels from Heaven,
and they were the first to arrive when Mary gave birth. 

Go, go, go to the big party
Go, go, go, for it’s Christmas Eve.

Mice came into the manger in Bethlehem
and gnawed at good St. Joseph’s underpants.

Go, go, go to the big party
Go, go, go, for it’s Christmas Eve.

In the manger in Bethlehem there are stars, sun, and moon
the Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, and Baby Jesus who’s in the cradle.

Go, go, go to the big party
Go, go, go, for it’s Christmas Eve.

Tonight is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas Day
give me the wine Mary, for I’m going to get drunk.

So, did you sing or dance along?

I wasn’t able to catch all of the words of the second to last verse, and while I found many additional verses online, I couldn’t find that one. If you know it, please comment below!

Here is a good discussion at Word Reference about the origin and meaning of the word marimorena.

You can also read more about the song here.

UPDATE: Check out this version from Antonio Carmona:
