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Bonus Cuplé (Part 6) | The Weekly Letra


Bonus Cuplé (Part 6) | The Weekly Letra

Today I wrap up the flamenco cuplé series with a bonus post, one more song, and a few more videos:

Un Compromiso
Alfredo García Segura y Gregorio García Segura 

Sin firmar un documento,
ni mediar un previo aviso, 
sin hablarnos, ni mirarnos
ha nacío un compromiso. 

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Malagueñas del Mellizo | Viernes con una Letra


Malagueñas del Mellizo | Viernes con una Letra

I am in the province of Málaga, so I am thinking of malagueñas. which I love.

Apparently the original malagueñas had folkloric and rhythmic origins from here in Málaga. It would make sense to share one of those letras with you.

But I don't want to.

(Anyway, I posted a verdiales last week.)

Today I want to share this Malagueña del Mellizo with you.

It is said that Enrique el Mellizo's influence transformed malagueñas into the cante libre style we hear today. (He was not from Málaga.)

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No Te He Dao Motivos | Viernes con una letra

Today un tientos entero. I pretty much begged Diana to learn this tientos from La Niña de los Peines (or the first part at least) so that I could dance to it. I told her about how it brought me to tears every time I listened to it. 


That's what she thought.  

I remember singing it with her on the phone in the kitchen. And she got it. And I danced to it. And it felt wonderful.

No te he dao motivo

Porque yo no te he dao motivo
que yo no te he hecho daño
tú te fuiste de mi vera 
de mi verita te fuiste 
te apartaste tú de mi vera 
sin yo haberte dao motivo

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