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Alfredo Lagos

Alegrías by David Lagos Part 2 | Viernes con una Letra


Alegrías by David Lagos Part 2 | Viernes con una Letra

Awhile ago I posted the first letra of this alegrías by David Lagos along with an unbelievably wonderful video of him singing it live accompanied by his brother Alfredo Lagos. Today find a couple more not to be missed videos of David performing it, along with the first letra. One is him live in Cádiz, and the other is him singing for Mercedes Ruíz dancing in a bata de cola during a rehearsal.

Que es chiquita y salerosa
no le pongáis tanta falta…

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An Alegrías by David Lagos | Viernes con una Letra


An Alegrías by David Lagos | Viernes con una Letra

This will make your day.


It's a video of David Lagos live por alegrías accompanied by his brother, Alfredo Lagos.

You should know, if you don't already, that David is nice.

You should also know, if you don't already, that he writes beautiful letras.

And you might as well know that one of my favorite things ever is listening to David Lagos sing por alegrías and that when I hear him sing alegrías live I cry every time ... 

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I Almost Didn't Go


I Almost Didn't Go

I left almost immediately after the show ended last night.

And people said,  ¿Te vas Laura, Ya? 

"You're leaving, now?"

Sí, me voy.

Even though the show just ended. I wasn't even waiting to see if something exciting happened next.  I wasn't even staying to socialize some more. I was going home as early as 12:30 am...


It was a peña show last night. At Peña La Bulería.

Read on for a video and a story



An email from it

Ok, so I told you that I might share some bulerías tesoros directly from the mouth of Ana María López with you today or tomorrow.  Well, it's not happening today because I just got this great email from Becky. Becky is a student.  She came on the Spain Tour.

Below you'll find an email that she sent to her husband.

She passed it along to me. and I asked her if I could post it.  She was sending it to me for me, but she very graciously agreed.

I read it as a series of snapshots showing how life has been going here in Jerez, which is why I wanted to share it with all of you. So, here you go, from Becky...

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