I have a treat for you.

It’s a short video I took of José Mijita after our cante class on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez.

We were getting ready to leave when one of the students asked José if he would sing a final letra for us.

(She didn’t want the fun to end.)

He didn’t hesitate to do so,

And he even showed off a couple of his dance moves at the end.

This is what he sang:


Pobres sentíos míos,
contri más vueltas le doy*

a la noria de mi sentío

My poor feelings
I go around and around in circles

on the ferris wheel of my feelings

You can hear José sing this below:

You can listen to Estrella Morente sing the following version here:

Estos sentiditos míos
por más vueltas que le doy
más grande es mi desvarío

These feelings of mine,
The more I go around in circles
the greater my delirium

You can listen to the following interpretation by Fernandillo de Morón with Diego del Gastor on guitar here at 1:30.

Estos sentidos míos,
cuantas más vueltas les daba

más grande es mi desvarío

My poor feelings,
I’ve gone around and around in circles
My Delirium is vast

You can listen to Antonio Mairena sing it like this here 50 seconds in:

Estos sentios míos
por más vueltas que les doy
más grande es mi desvarío

These feelings of mine,
The more I go around in circles
the greater my delirium

*I asked José about the word ‘contrí,’ in the second line, contri más vueltas le doy. He explained the whole line to mean, contra más vueltas le doy a mi cabeza, the more I go around in circles in my mind.

I also found this information about the word contri.

Are You Curious About How Cante & Baile Work Together in Bulerías?

If you are looking to better understand cante por bulerías and it’s relationship to baile, join me for a Virtual Workshop with José and Carmen this Sunday, July 24th.

Students have loved previous bulerías workshops with these two,

“Such an AMAZING class!!! Let’s do more of these...I loved it sooooo much!!!”

Let’s unlock the mysteries of Bulerías de Jerez!

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