This is a rather depressing letra,

but I promise you’ll be moved to the core watching and listening to el Pericón de Cádiz sing it in the video below.


Al echarnos la bendición 
dijo el cura -sed felices
y esa fue nuestra ilusión 
y lo que todo el mundo dice
y mira que equivocación.

When giving us the blessing
the priest said, “Be happy,”
and this was our delusion,
and it’s what everybody says,
and look at what a mistake it is.

I had a hard time picking up the all of the words then found them here, on the Los Palos del Flamenco page and filled in the missing pieces.

You can hear El Pericón de Cádiz sing it in the video below about three minutes in:

If you know who the guitarist is, please let me know in the comments below.

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Cover photo courtesy of  Marcos Paulo Prado via Unsplash.
