Here's another one from Luis de la Pica. 

Luis de la Pica

Si en mis sueños, 
con voz temblorosa
pronuncio un nombre de mujer
no me digas nada, 
si me ves llorando, déjame. 
Son los amores viejos, 
que tengo que recordarlos.

If in my dreams,
my voice shaking
I call out a woman's name,
Don't say anything to me.
If you see me crying, leave me alone.
They are past loves,
whom I have to remember.*

You can hear him sing it here. (And definitely watch to the end of the video where finishes off dancing a pataíta. You'll love it.)

And, here's a clip about him from the documentary Jerezanos de Leyenda.

*I had a hard time deciding how to translate the last line. I was debating between, 

They are past loves,
I have to remember them.


They are past loves,
whom I have to remember.

Translating letras into English is forever a challenge...

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