When you hear the word guajiras, who do you think of?

Any chance Concha Jareño comes to mind?

Below you’ll find a guajiras letra and a video that Concha put together from a series of guajiras tutorials she put out from her home studio during this Coronavirus Quarantine.



Ay, una noche que la luna
nos daba su luz tan bella,
tan solamente una estrella
alumbraba mi fortuna.
Sin esperanza ninguna
hasta tu lecho llegué.
Tranquilo te contemplé,
mariposa, ay, de colores,
porque tú eres la reina,
la reina tú eres de mis amores.
La reina de mis amores,
y yo de ti me enamoré.

One night
when the moon shined it’s beautiful light upon us,
just one star
ignited my luck.
Without any hope
I reached your bed
Calmly I watched you,
colorful butterfly,
because you are the queen,
You are the queen of my loves.
The queen of my loves,
And I fell in love with you.

I found the words to this letra here.

Here’s that video:

Want to learn to dance or play guitar for all or part of this dance?

Check out the videos on Concha’s Facebook page where she breaks it down piece by piece.

Guitarists, visit the video directly here and follow the links to Flavio Rodrigues’s guitar tutorials.

Don’t forget to let me know in the comments below which artists you associate with this palo.

I found this letra difficult to translate. Please let me know what you think or if you would word things differently below.

I Think You’ll Also Enjoy The Following Takes on this Palo:

How I Prepare For a Show & a Media Letra por Guajiras (Rocío Molina)

Your Love Has Driven Me Crazy (Karen Lugo)

Quiero Platicar Contigo (Belén Maya)

Want To Make Somebody’s Day? (Cristina Hall)

If Your Dad Tells Your Mom (Concha Jareño)

I Like Singing Guajiras (Concha again)
