Here’s a guajiras letra and a video of Karen Lugo dancing to it plus another video of Soledad Bracamonte with her interpretation from the Rito y Geografía del Cante series.


Me salgo a la puerta un rato
a distraer mis sentidos
porque me encuentro aburrido
tu querer me ha vuelto loco
y a nadie diré tampoco
lo que por ti estoy pasando
día y noche suspirando
desde que te conocí
si no consigo quererte
de pena me voy a morir

I go to the door for a bit
to amuse my senses
because I find myself feeling bored
Your love has driven me crazy
but I won’t tell anybody
what I’m going through because of you
yearning day and night
from the moment I met you
If I can’t find a way to love you
I’ll die of sorrow

You can hear this letra one minute into the video below, but I promise you’re going to want to watch the whole thing to see all of Karen Lugo’s dancing:

You can hear Soledad Bracamonte sing it 15 minutes into the video below from Rito y Geografía del Cante. If you want to learn more about cantes de ida y vuelta, I recommend watching the whole thing. You’ll learn not only about the history, but also hear various examples along with some strong opinions about how these types of songs fit into flamenco.

Coming Up:

Karen Lugo is coming to Portland! Don’t miss her one day workshop, Monday, February 25th.
