Viewing entries tagged
flamenco song verses

I'm Falling In Love | The Weekly Letra


I'm Falling In Love | The Weekly Letra

A few weeks ago a flamenco loving Spanish student contacted me and asked if I could help her with the words from the following tangos sung by Luis Ortega.

As with any traditional flamenco song, this one is a collection of unrelated verses that Luis puts together to form a “song.”

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The things that happen in Cádiz | Viernes con una Letra

Here's an interpretation from Miguel Poveda of the popular Bulerías de Cádiz reflecting upon the current-day situation in Spain. Scroll down for an out-of-control amazing video of a live performance ¡que compás y gracia! with José Quevedo, Diego del Morao, El Londro, Luis Cantarote, and my (not real) boyfriend's real brother, Carlos Grilo.

Bulerías de Cai
¡Qué disparate!

Con el caray, caray, caray, 
éstas son las cosas que pasan en Cai,
que ni la hambre la vamos a sentir,
que mire usted que gracia tiene este país.

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