Viewing entries tagged
flamenco letras

What's a Cuplé? (Part 1) | The Weekly Letra


What's a Cuplé? (Part 1) | The Weekly Letra

In the first installment of the flamenco cuplé series I'll explain what a cuplé is and show you a video example. But let's begin by looking at this one that Ani sang one day during bulerías class on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez. It was so pretty, so I asked her to tell me the words:

¿Quién se ha llevao mi amor?
¿Quién me ha dejao sin nada?
¿Quién se ha llevao todo el sol
que entraba por mi ventana?

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The Sky and the Land | Viernes con una Letra


The Sky and the Land | Viernes con una Letra


A Letra from Otra Galaxia (Other Galaxy)
Antonio Humanes, José Monge Cruz (Camarón)

Yo me pregunto mil veces
mi paso por este mundo
y a quién le debo mis alegrías y mis penas
¿Será al cielo y a la tierra
o a los senderos ocultos de la esfera?

I ask myself a thousand times
my path in this world
and to whom do I owe my joys and my sorrows,
to the sky and the land
or to the hidden paths of the globe?

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Alegrías by David Lagos Part 2 | Viernes con una Letra


Alegrías by David Lagos Part 2 | Viernes con una Letra

Awhile ago I posted the first letra of this alegrías by David Lagos along with an unbelievably wonderful video of him singing it live accompanied by his brother Alfredo Lagos. Today find a couple more not to be missed videos of David performing it, along with the first letra. One is him live in Cádiz, and the other is him singing for Mercedes Ruíz dancing in a bata de cola during a rehearsal.

Que es chiquita y salerosa
no le pongáis tanta falta…

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Bulerías de Jerez | Viernes con una Letra


Bulerías de Jerez | Viernes con una Letra

I'll be honest. In the beginning, I wasn't a huge fan of flamenco singing.

It wasn't that I didn't like it.

It intrigued me that's for sure. But I didn't feel inclined to sit around and listen to it a whole bunch.

It didn't take long before that changed.

I guess it happened early on during my time in Sevilla, on that first flamenco trip.

And actually, while I was initially drawn to the baile, the cante played a huge roll in getting me hooked on flamenco ... and keeping me in it.

Just like the compás.

And now,

Well, you know how it is now.

Which brings me to the letra:

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La Luneta | Viernes con una Letra


La Luneta | Viernes con una Letra

On Friday I went to the Peña la Bulería. As you may recall, it is literally steps away from our apartments here in Jerez. I was feeling sleepy and my legs were not looking forward to standing on the hard marble floor after having spent a good deal of time in flamenco shoes and walking on hard streets that day, but once there I was glad I went. As usual.

A young singer named Enrique Remache was performing.

I heard many fantastic letras, like like this one, and jaleos, and took great pleasure in witnessing the reactions of the público.

The reactions

Always one of my favorite aspects of seeing flamenco in Jerez. Men looking at each other and laughing with pleasure upon hearing a particular thing sung a particular way. I won't try to explain this. Just please visit Jerez sometime in your life, and see.

I also love seeing the mix of generations at the peña shows. Teenagers to people in their 70's voluntarily going to hear flamenco.

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Why The Sun Can't Live With The Moon


Why The Sun Can't Live With The Moon

The sun and the moon have been hanging out together in Portland today. I guess they're getting along.

(Below you can see the crescent moon I've been admiring in today's blue sky.)

Sol y Luna

El sol le dijo a la luna
vivir contigo no puedo
porque cuando digo blanco
tú siempre me dices negro

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Be Careful With That Cat | Viernes con una Letra


Be Careful With That Cat | Viernes con una Letra

This is a letra that Zorri sang the other night.

Watching Zorri laugh after singing it was the best, and then hearing him laugh because, well, if you've ever heard his laugh,

It's a laugh that makes you laugh. That on top of the meaning of the letra, let's just say it made for a good laughing session.


Ten cuidao con ese gato
que se coma una a una
las sardinitas del plato

Be careful with that cat
because one by one it eats
the little sardines from the plate

We were supposed to go to a tablao that night, but that didn't happen.

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An Alegrías by David Lagos | Viernes con una Letra


An Alegrías by David Lagos | Viernes con una Letra

This will make your day.


It's a video of David Lagos live por alegrías accompanied by his brother, Alfredo Lagos.

You should know, if you don't already, that David is nice.

You should also know, if you don't already, that he writes beautiful letras.

And you might as well know that one of my favorite things ever is listening to David Lagos sing por alegrías and that when I hear him sing alegrías live I cry every time ... 

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