
Por ti,
las horitas de la noche
me las paso sin dormir

Because of you,
I spend my nights

I had a hard time deciding on a final translation. Here are some variations I contemplated:

Because of you,
I spend the night hours
awake in bed

Because of you,
my nights are spent
sleepless in bed

Which do you think is the most fitting or perhaps you have a suggestion of your own? Let me know in the comments below.

I found this in the little book of letras, Para Los Amantes Del Flamenco, that Melinda gave to me years ago. The book classifies this verse as Soleariyas, which David Lagos informed me was a juguetillo or coletilla at the end of a soleá. You can learn more here.

*You can see from the picture that Francie is quite interested in contributing to (attempting to get in the way of) today’s post.

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