A couple of weeks ago you saw Rocío Carrasco dancing bulerías. See another video of her today, this time singing the letra below (and dancing too, of course). 


Yo me acuerdo noche y día
De mi barrio San Miguel
Y yo canto por bulerías
Por bulerías de mi Jerez

Day and night I think about
My neighborhood of San Miguel
And I sing bulerías
Bulerías from my Jerez

(I previously shared here a clip of Rocío Carrasco singing this letra but the video has since become unavailable. If ever I should find another, I will add it back!)

Want to learn bulerías?

1. As much as I would like to say I can give you the perfect formula and it will make bulerías a breeze, I cannot. Well, I kind of can, I can give you a structure and show how you adjust this and that to make it work for you and the bulerías situation you find yourself in. I can teach you certain rules that will help ensure your success. Join me in Portland for the Ins & Outs of Bulerías, Bulerías The Next Step, and Jaleos para Bulerías this July! Each workshop includes class time and its own ebook to help you understand this complex art form.

2. Join me in Spain for the Flamenco Tour to Jerez and surround yourself with bulerías in it's birthplace. There's really nothing better than this. Find out more here.

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