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I Don't Want To Lose You | the Weekly Letra (Belén López)

Last week we watched Paloma Fantova get into it, so this week I want to show you a video of Belén López (who always goes all out) along with an alegrías letra.

From Sin Ti Yo No Sé Vivir (Alegrías)
La Nitra

Yo sé que ya no volverás
No quiero recordar

Que te fuiste pa siempre
Sin ti yo ya no sé vivir
Me he acostumbrado a ti
Y no quiero perderte
Y no te tengo primo

Y no te tengo

I know you will never come back
I don't want to be reminded
That you've left for good
Without you I don't know how to live
I've become accustomed to you
And I don't want to loose you
And I no longer have you

And I no longer have you

You can hear La Nitra sing it here.

Now watch how Belén López dances to it at in the video below. This letra begins about 4 minutes in. Check out those turns and the bodywork she does when he sings, "Sin ti yo no puedo vivir..." 

As you know, flamenco singers make letras their own. Here's how the singer interpretes today's letra in the video above:

Yo sé que ya no volverás
No quiero recordar

Que te fuiste pa siempre
Sin ti yo no puedo vivir
Me he acostumbrado a ti
Y no quiero perderte
Y no te tengo niña

Y no te tengo

I know you will never come back
I don't want to be reminded
That you've left for good
Without you I cannot live
I've become accustomed to you
And I don't want to loose you
And I don't have you

And I don't have you

A Translation Note: The last lines, "Y no te tengo (primo/niña), Y no te tengo" literally would translate as "And I don't have you," however "I no longer have you," felt more aligned with the rest of the letra. It's a subtle difference, but to me the latter feels more like what the intended meaning would be. Still, since I shared two version of the letra, I chose to include both translations. You can choose which one feels better to you. Also, I chose not to translate "primo" or"niña" because in this context I don't feel there are appropriate English equivalents. They are both used as terms of endearment in the letra.

By the way, I had so much fun participating in Dance Wire's Citywide Dance Audition last Sunday at BodyVox here in Portland. These students were awesome (just look at them!!!) and learned a ton in one class, especially considering they'd been dancing in other classes all afternoon. Oléeee.

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