I saw the following clip the other day with Argentina (so beautifully) singing the chorus to this song,

Todo es de color...

Accompanied by Farruquito, sitting at a dining room table. You can hear it about 3 in:

And so, today's letra

It's actually an entire song, and it's kind of long, and you definitely don't want to miss the video of Lole and Manuel performing it live which you'll find (along with the translation) as you scroll down in the post...

Todo es de Color 
J.M. Flores*

Todo es de color

Todo el mundo cuenta sus penas
pidiendo la comprensión, 
quien cuenta sus alegrías
no comprende al que sufrió

Señor de los espacios infinitos, 
tú que tienes la paz entre las manos, 
derrámala Señor te lo suplico
y enséñales a amar a mis hermanos

Enséñale lo bello de la vida
y a ser consuelo en todas las heridas
y amar con blanco amor toda la tierra
y buscar siempre la paz,
Señor, y odiar la guerra,

Todo es de color

De lo que pasa en el mundo,
por Dios que no entiendo na, 
el cardo siempre gritando
y la flor siempre callá

Que grite la flor
y que se calle el cardo
y todo aquel que sea mi enemigo que sea mi hermano.

Sigamos por esa senda
a ver que luz encontramos,
esa luz que está en la tierra
y que nosotros apagamos

Señor de los espacios infinitos, 
tú que tienes la paz entre las manos, 
derrámala Señor, te lo suplico, 
y enséñales a amar a mis hermanos

Todo es de color

Everything is in color

The whole world speaks of their sorrows
asking for understanding,
the one who shares his joy,
doesn't understand the one who suffered

God of infinite spaces,
You who have peace between your hands,
pour it out God, I beg you
and teach my brothers to love Show them the beauty of life
and how to relieve all wounds
and to love with pure love all of the land
and to always seek peace, God,
and to hate war,

Everything is in color

From what happens in the world,
for God's sake I don't understand anything,
the thistle always yelling
and the flower always quiet

May the flower yell
and may the thistle fall silent
and all who are my enemy
may they be my brothers

Let's stay on this path
and see what light we find,
that light that is in the ground
that we turned off

God of infinite spaces,
You who have peace between your hands,
pour it out God, I beg you
and teach my brothers to love

Everything is in color

*I'm not completely clear as to whether this letra was written by J.M. Flores alone or in collaboration with Manuel Molina. It seems it was Flores who wrote the letra but did not feel the need to be credited for this. The second unclear thing is whether his name was Juan Manuel Flores or José Manuel Flores.)


(This was a tricky translation. I welcome your comments.)

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