Do you need another laugh?

The following letra comes from renowned flamencologist Estela Zatania in response to this one.

In Estela’s words this is “another old verse in the same line of tragicomedy, a complete soap opera in four lines.”


Tangos or Bulerías

Te casaste con aquel viejo
por las moneas,
las moneas se acaban
y el viejo se quea

You married that old goat
for the money,
now the money’s gone
and the old goat remains

As Estela notes, both verses are cases of how “flamenco makes light of tragedy.”

Check out Estela’s blog here where you can find an abundance of flamenco articles in English.

And stay tuned here because this summer we’ll offer an online lecture by Estela overviewing the last fifty years of flamenco evolution.

(If you haven’t joined the list, you can do so here to remain informed.)

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Cover photo by Maxime Agnelli on Unsplash
