Here’s a bulerías letra for you and a video of Fernando de la Morena singing it. Watch to the end to see the dancing!

By the way, this is another great clip to practice to (whether you’re joining me in the bulerías challenge or not.)


Qué disparate
que yo te quiera
como de antes

What nonsense
that I would love you
as I did before

You can hear Fernando de la Morena sing this at six minutes and twenty seconds in the video below.

An Update

I told you I would report back regarding my progress with the bulerías challenge I proposed last post.

If you don’t want to look back, here’s the gist:

The goal: To become more comfortable dancing bulerías with the cante

The method: To practice dancing bulerías with cante for five minutes a day five days a week for the rest of the month.

Accountability: I have been doing my part, improvising bulerías to cante at least five days during the week. Mainly I’ve been doing this in my living room or kitchen with no shoes on. Once I did it in class. Each night I note in my calendar whether I’ve practiced or not. A couple of nights I only did it right before bed! But I made it happen. I’m excited to continue this week.

Have you been following along with me? Are you working on another skill? Let me know in the comments below. Accountability is IMPORTANT. Without it things we want to do often don’t get done. I invite you to join me in this bulerías challenge, and I invite you to hold yourself accountable by commenting on your progress below.

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