The following twelve count marking step is all about the body.⁣⁣

The feet are pretty simple. (Phew.)

It’s the movement of the body and arms that makes the step.⁣

Before we watch the video, here are three key things about this step:

1. Use both torso and shoulders.⁣

Use the torso to accentuate the shoulder movement.⁣

2. The body should start moving before the feet.⁣

Before your first step, rotate the right torso and shoulder.⁣

When you step on the count of twelve, move the left torso and shoulder…⁣

3. The body movements should be accented but fluid.⁣

This means, after you accent, don’t stop the movement.⁣

Let it continue and flow into the next accented movement.⁣

Now watch the video tutorial below, and give it a try!

Head & Gaze

Look forward until the last beat, ten, then shift your head sharply to the left corner.⁣

Steps & Counts:

𝟭𝟮 mark back w/ right foot ⁣

𝟭 pause

𝟮 slide left to meet right⁣

𝟯 mark back w/ right foot ⁣

𝟰 pause

𝟱 pause

𝟲 pause

𝟳 pause

𝟴 & 𝟵 move right foot forward to meet left⁣

⁣𝟭𝟬 pause

Will you use this step?

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