In need of a little chuckle?

Then read on for today’s letra.

I came across it in a treasured book that some beautiful ladies who came on the Flamenco Tour gave to me called Las Letras del Cante Flamenco.

It’s listed in a section titled, Natural, breve, seca,

Natural, brief, sharp

It is not categorized as a certain palo, but it’s a traditional verse, and I’m guessing it’s bulerías as I recognized some of the other letras listed with it as bulerías.

I love this one so much.

I hope you’ll enjoy it too:

Anda y no presumas más
porque no tiene tu cara
naíta de particular

Go on and stop bragging
because there’s nothing special
about your face

You can listen to Camarón sing another letra that shares the same first line.

As you can see from the picture, Frances the Kitty Cat enjoys flamenco poetry too. (Actually, she enjoys getting in the way.) Anyhow, this one is listed just underneath today’s letra in the cover image above.
