In the mood for love?

Here’s a verse you can send to someone you love to make their day…

Fandangos de Huelva

Te voy a mandar un clavel
de un color muy rojo
para que veas en el
que mi cariño es más fuerte
que el rojo de ese clavel

I’m going to send you a carnation
so very red
that you can see in it*
that my love is stronger
than the red of the carnation

*I considered a few different translations for the middle three lines.

Here’s another version:

I’m going to send you a carnation
so very red
to show you
that my love is stronger
than the red of the carnation

How would you translate this one? Let me know below.

By the way, we’ll be dancing to this one this summer while we study Fandangos de Huelva in the online beginning flamenco classes.

You can hear the full song here.

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Cover photo by chay tessari on Unsplash
