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I Love You So | The Weekly Letra

I cannot remember where I first came across this letra, but I was moved by it and scribbled it down. I recently came across it going through my notes…


Lo que te camelo yo
te tengo retratadita
presente en mi corazón

I love you so
You’re painted,
there in my heart


This is a letra Manuel Torre (also known as Manuel Torres), revered singer from the Barrio de San Miguel in Jerez, was known for singing.

You can also listen to him sing it here.

There are so many people I am holding in my heart right now during these very distressing times. I pray for love and acceptance, for peace and justice.

I had a hard time capturing the essence of this letra in English, so I sought out input from Emily of Saffron Translations, Julie, and Erica.

I contemplated,

Oh how I love you as a possible first line, and

Present in my heart as a possible last line.

Julie suggested engraved as another word to convey the meaning of retratadita.

Ultimately I went with Emily’s translation, which is the one you see above.

Thank you ladies for your help!

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