Don’t you love watching dancers perform together?

Below find a caña letra and a video of Daniel Ramos, Lucía Ruibal, and Alejandra Gudi dancing together to it at Las Tablas in Madrid.


A mi me pueden mandar
a servir a Dios y al Rey
pero dejar a tu persona,
eso no lo manda la ley.

They can command me
to serve God and the King
but to leave you,
is not mandated by the law.

I found the words here in the book Origen y Evolución del Flamenco by Andrés Bernal Montesinos

This letra starts 30 seconds into the live video below from of Daniel Ramos, Lucía Ruibal, and Alejandra Gudi (baile), Pedro Obregón (cante), and José Almarcha (guitarra):

More from the video

Hear this one at 3:30

EDIT: Here you can hear Fosforito sing it and watch Mercedes Ruíz dance.
