Watch out, this may make you cry…

It’s La Niña de la Puebla singing Campanilleros live.

Before I share the video, here is the first letra she sings:

La Niña de la Puebla

En los pueblos de mi Andalucía
los campanilleros por la madrugá
me despiertan con sus campanillas
y con la guitarra me hacen llorar.
Yo empiezo a cantar,
y al sentirme todos los pajarillos
que están en las ramas se echan a volar.

In the towns of my Andalusia
the bellmen at dawn
wake me with their bells
and with the guitar they bring me to tears
I begin to sing,
and when they hear me
the birds flee from their branches

Learn more about this palo here and here.

Stay tuned next week for a Villancico, Christmas, version.

In the meantime, you can listen to José Mercé sing one here.

Cover photo by Shaouraav Shreshtha on Unsplash
