Here's a tangos estribillo that we danced to with Mercedes Ruíz during the last Flamenco Tour to Jerez. You can see a tiny snippet from that dance below along with a video of Claudia La Debla.  


Y voy y voy
date la vuelta ligero
como se la da el reloj
y voy y voy
que despacito pasaban
la manillas del reloj

And I go
turn around quickly
like a clock does
and I go
how quickly they passed
the hands of the clock

You can hear the first part of this coletilla and watch Claudia la Debla dance to it at 1:15 in the video below from Corral de la Morería in Madrid:

You can hear Estrella Morente sing the whole thing here 6 minutes in and Marina Heredia sing the first part here.

Tangos workshops are coming up next weekend, and I can't wait!

Now here's that peek into class with Mercedes Ruíz on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez. Join me in September for the Fall Trip!

And here we are dancing tangos in class with Mercedes and practicing our routine on the rooftop in Spain!
