You're going to love today's letra and the video following it of Rocío Molina dancing guajiras.


Desde el tacón de la bota
hasta la raíz del pelo
tu figura es pa pintarla
con pinceles de terciopelo

porque viendo tu figura
ay hasta yo pintor me siento

From the heel of your boot
to the root of your hair
your figure is made to be painted
with velvet brushes

because looking at your figure
even I feel like a painter

I learned this one from Alfonso Cid. It's one of the letras he'll be singing for me in tonight's show. (He will also be doing this one.)

The last couple of days I've been in preparation mode for the show,

Here's What That's Looked Like:

(I feel nervous, but the truth is, I feel much more prepared for this show than I did for either of the performances with Ricardo last month where we had just five days to choreograph and put together the whole show. This time I am one of many dancers which means I'm just doing a couple of dances, and, on top of that, hearing Alfonso sing makes me want to do nothing but DANCE!)

*A note on the taking care of my body part: I don't always do a good job of this before a show, and I could be doing a better job right now, notably getting more sleep. The motivation this time was partially so that I would be able to fit into my skirt (that's the truth), but it pays off in bigger ways because when I do make an effort to take extra care of myself, it helps me to focus, and it just feels good.

Anyway, here's an old favorite of Rocío Molina dancing to the guitar of Raphael Rodríguez "Cabeza." I think I could watch this dance a million times ...
