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Alegrías by David Lagos Part 3 | Viernes con una Letra

And today, another letra from this alegrías, along with another live performance video. (I really hope you enjoyed the last one.)

And today, another letra from this alegrías, along with another live performance video. (I really hope you enjoyed the last one.)

David Lagos

Entran y salen cuando quieren
los barquitos en el puerto
las amarras de mi barco
no hay fuerza que se la lleve
que con lo viva que era la barca mía
se ha queaíto sin fuerza la pobre mía
Y es que no soplan los vientos como ella quiere
qué caprichosa es mi barca
qué gracia tiene

They come and go when they want
the boats in the port
the moorings of my boat
no force could take her
as alive as my boat was
she was left without strength my poor one
And it's that the winds don't blow as she wants
how stubborn my boat is
what charm she has

Below, watch David and Alfredo Lagos perform it at the National Library of Spain this past June:

You can watch another live version here and one more here.

The Flamenco Tour is Coming up

If you'd like David Lagos to sing to you, you'll be happy to know that on the Flamenco Tour to Jerez Mercedes Ruíz hosts a private show just for us, and normally David Lagos is our singer. (In other words, if David is in town when we're there, he sings for us in this show.) By the way, I'm hosting two flamenco tours this fall, one to Barcelona and one to Jerez.

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