experience flamenco

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Tell Me This Happens to You | Viernes con una Letra

Tell me I'm not alone

Dime que no estoy sola

When I have to stop what I'm doing and close my eyes. Cerrar mis ojos y pararme.

Because I hear something too beautiful not to.  Not to stop. To listen, to take it in, to feel.  And to let myself cry.  

Close my eyes and stop




And then do it again.

Tell me you know what I mean

Dime que entiendes

Tell me I'm not alone

Dime que no estoy sola

Tell me this happens to you

Dime que te pasa lo mismo

When you hear a song like this...

I reposted this today upon discovering that the content of the original post and all of its responses had mysteriously disappeared. My web site is acting up.

And on top of that,

Exactly one week ago when I was in Granada, I heard Raul Ortega sing that last letra, what I like to call the magic bridge letra. It's one of my favorites, and I wrote about it long ago.

The rest of the words I originally posted here, but below find them again, all in one place for you...

Tientos (Popular)

Tienes que derramar más sangre
que un torito bravo en su muerte

no sé como tienes valor
pá hablar de mi malamente

Anda, vete Fea
el cuerpo te huele a lumia
como el marinero a brea

Allá abajito se ve una fuente
de cal y canto y arena
donde bebe mi serrana
agua de la fuente nueva

Yo a tí te pondría
un puente pá que pasaras
de tu casita a la mia

You have to shed more blood
than a fighting bull at his death
I don't know how you have the courage
to speak badly of me

Go on, get away Ugly
your body smells of whore
as the sailor's does of tar

There below you see a fountain
of lime and rock and sand
where my beauty drinks
water from the new fountain

For you I would put up
a bridge so that you could go
from your house to mine

Now, please, tell me this happens to you

That there are times when you hear something so beautiful that you absolutely positively have to stop what you're doing, close your eyes and just experience it. Does it? I want to know. Let me know in the comments below.

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EDIT: The original post has been restored, phew! You can read it and people's comments here.