Se Me Escapan Las Palabras
Concha Buika

Se me escapan las palabras, 
se me van al aire, 
cada vez que grito que no puedo más.

Que se me escapan las palabras, 
se me van al aire, 
cada vez hablo con la libertad.

Ay se me escapan,
se elevan en el aire, 
se enredan con el aire, 
se pierden en el aire, 
como los años que marchan lentamente

sin querer avisarme.

Ay, se me escapan,
se elevan en el aire, 
se trenzan con el aire, 
se esfuman en el aire 
Ay, como el humo que me meto en el cuerpo 

pa' poder olvidarme.

No es el viento
el que se lleva lo que es cierto 
No es el viento, 
Ay, no es el viento. 
Es la palabra que se marcha 

porque a veces no sé cómo defender 
Ay, lo que yo siento.

Se me escapan, 
se me van al aire, 
como se va el recuerdo de lo que ya perdí.

Se me escapan, 
se me van al aire, 
Se mezclan con las voces de los que ya se han ido.

Se me escapan, 
se me van al aire, 
Se enredan y se mezclan con los años perdidos.

Se me escapan, 
se me van al aire, 

Y yo siempre rabiosa por lo que no he vivido.

The Words Escape Me 
Concha Buika

The words escape me,
they get lost in the air,
every time I shout, I no longer can.

The words escape me,
they get lost in the air,
every time I talk to freedom.

Oh they escape me,
carried by the air,
tangled up in the air,
lost in the air
like the years slowly passing
without wanting to let me know.

Oh, they escape me,
carried by the air,
braided into the air,
faded in the air
Oh like the smoke that I put on my body
in order to forget.

It is not the wind
that takes that which is true
It is not the wind,
Oh, it is not the wind.
It is the word that leaves
because at times I don't know how to defend
that which I feel.

They escape me,
they go into the air,
as goes the memory of what I've lost.

They escape me,
they go into the air,
mixing with the voices of those who have already gone.

They escape me,
they go into the air,
getting tangled and mixed up with the lost years.

They escape me,
they go into the air,
And I am ever furious for what I've lived through. 

Listen here.

Thank you,

Oscar Nieto,

for having introduced me to her so many years ago.



I want to know what you think.  About this song.  Or my translation.  I don't feel very able to translate the sentido, her poetic intent, but to give you an idea of what the song is about.  You can leave a comment or a suggestion below.

