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The Little Drummer Boy | The Weekly Letra

Are you ready to hear one of the most beautiful versions of Little Drummer Boy you’ve ever heard?

Yes, of course I’m talking about a flamenco version.

It’s a collaboration David Lagos, his brother Alfredo Lagos, and his wife Melchora Ortega did with The Prado Museum. While you won’t see the artists in the video, you will see a bunch of famous paintings from the museum to accompany the song.

El Tamborilero

El camino que lleva a Belén
baja hasta el valle que la nieve cubrió
los pastorcillos quieren ver a su Rey,
le traen regalos en su humilde zurrón
Ropo pom pom, Ropo pom pom
Ha nacido en un portal de Belén el Niño Dios.

The road that leads to Bethlehem
goes down to the snow covered valley
the young shepherds want to see their King
they bring him presents in their humble bag
Pa rum pum pum pum
The Divine Child was born in Bethelem.

That’s just the first verse. As you can see, the words to the Spanish version of this song differ from those of the English version.

Here’s that video. I’m so glad David sent this to me because had he not, I wouldn’t have even known it existed!

Okay, so which version do you prefer, this one or the one you’re used to hearing?

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Cover photo by Batang Latagaw on Unsplash