Today a letra por tangos (or soleá, or bulerías, or soleá por bulerías...) followed by but another must-watch video,

Cuando me eches de menos
tú tienes que venir a buscarme
como un caballo sin freno

When you miss me
you'll have to come looking for me
like a horse with no bit*

Watch and listen to David Palomar sing it below along with Rafael Rodríguez on guitar. (I promise you'll be glad you did.) He begins with tientos finishing with this coletilla then goes into a bunch of other great tangos. You can hear this letra at 4:30. Check out how he catches the middle line. 

Below find a couple of examples with variations on the words:

Here's one,

El día que me eches de menos
tú vas a venir a buscarme
como un caballo sin freno

The day you miss me
you'll come looking for me

like a horse without a bit

and another one,

Cuando tú a mí me echaras de menos
te tienes que volver loca
y vas a venir a buscarme
como un caballo sin freno

When you miss me
you'll go crazy
and you'll come looking for me
like a horse with no bit

Update: Watch La Tati dance to a version like that below. (It’s the first letra.)

The Translation Game

EDIT: You can see and hear more examples of this letra here.

I originally translated ‘freno’ as brakes even though I found 'bit' in the English-Spanish dictionary for 'freno' as related to horses. I thought 'brakes' seemed a better word to convey the meaning of the letra however I decided that ‘bit’ is more appropriate and true to the original meaning. 

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