experience flamenco

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I Want to Get Drunk | Viernes con una Letra

It is Halloween, and I just returned home from the peña. I am in Jerez.

On the way I saw a family dressed up in zombie-style Halloween costumes. Their two dogs were dressed as jack-o-lanters.

At the peña

We saw Manuel Agujetas Hijo sing with Domingo Rubichi accompanying on guitar.

Below is a letra por fandangos that he sang.

(You can hear El Chocolate singing it here.)


No me quites la botella
que yo me quiero emborrachar 
no me quites la botella
voy a beber de verdad 
y a ver si no pienso en ella 
y yo la consigo olvidar

Don't take away my bottle 
I want to get drunk
Don't take away my bottle 
I am seriously going to drink
to see if I can stop thinking of her
and if I can forget about her  

During the break some of the ladies said they wanted to go to another place to see if anything was going on there. I encouraged them to stay because one of the best part, según yo, was yet to come,

The bulerías.

I told them every peña show ended with bulerías where certain people, amigos and family, would join the artists on stage with palmas and baile.

I love this part.

A chorus of palmas, jaleos, smiles, and buena energía.

Most of the ladies stayed, and they were very glad that they did.

Zorri danced. He did a bunch of his signature moves, the basketball one, and others.

And Manuel sang a letra I really liked, Cuando te marchas de noche. Perhaps I'll publish it next Friday.

Time for bed

It's well past 2am, and we have class with Mercedes at ten o'clock. (Each night I think I'll get more sleep than the night before, but I never seem to. I am wondering now if I ought to just wait until November 10 when the tour is over to get sleep. Often I'll catch up on sleep during siesta-time, but not this year, not yet.)

What's going on? I am in Jerez right now on the FlamencoTour. You can find out more about it here. I'll be back for another one in the spring.

P.S.  Don't worry, other people get more sleep on the tour than I do. I just get so excited about everything and find it hard to get to bed...

Some words from this post

según yo - according to me

buena energía - good energy

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