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Love | Viernes con una Letra

It's Valentine's Day, and it's Friday.


A coletilla por bulerías

Amor amor
te necesito
amor amor amor
me tienes loco
y a la calle me has tirado

Love, Love
I need you
Love, Love, Love
you've made me crazy
and you've thrown me into the street

Okay, so that doesn't sound like the healthiest of love, I know ...

Rose Petal Love

My dear friend Felicia left a beautiful heart made of rose petals on our kitchen table this morning.  The photo above is one I took of that heart of petals.  For me, Valentine's Day is not necessarily about romantic love, but just about LOVE.  Much love to all of you!  Thank you for being here with me.

P.S. There is a good discussion and dissection of a bulerías danced by Mercedes from last week's letra going on here.