experience flamenco

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I'm Falling In Love | The Weekly Letra

A few weeks ago a flamenco loving Spanish student contacted me and asked if I could help her with the words from the following tangos sung by Luis Ortega.

As with any traditional flamenco song, this one is a collection of unrelated verses that Luis puts together to form a “song.”

Yes, there are flamenco songs, but traditionally a singer will string together different verses which may have no connection to one another, other than that they fit within a particular palo (form). They may even take a verse that is typically sung in one palo and convert it into a different one. Basically a flamenco cantaor may sing whatever they feel like in the moment in their own way.

Below you can find the words to most of the letras Luis sings in the following clip from the Southern Spanish program, Tierra de Talento.

Watch and enjoy this little boy’s singing. I assure you it will bring you so much joy.

Don’t you want to watch that a million more times?

I love not only his performance but watching the judges’ reactions. They are priceless.

After his performance, David Palomar praises him for his respectful renditions honoring Paco Cepero, Rancapino Chico, La Paquera, La Chati, Camarón, and Enrique Morente.

And, wow, his interpretations are to be admired. He gives these well-known pieces his personal signature while paying homage to influential artists who came before him.

Here are the words to the first verses he sings. (They are written out as Luis sings them. You can find the words to the full song, as sung by Manolo Escobar, here.)

From “Yo Me Estoy Enamorando”
Paco Cepero

Yo me estoy enamorando
de tu carita poquito a poco,
Anda vete de mi vera
porque me estoy volviendo loco

Si es verdad que tú me quieres a mi
que con el rimpimpin, que con el rimpimpin, que con el rimpimpin,
es más verdad lo que te quiero yo
con el romponpón, con el romponpón con el romponpón

I’m falling in love
little by little with your face,
Go, leave my side
because I’m going crazy

If it’s true that you love me
with the rimpimpin, with the rimpimpin, with the rimpimpin,
It’s even more so that I love you
with the romponpón, with the romponpón with the romponpón

Other letras he sings:

Thanks, Elizabeth, for your message and for sending this clip!

One of the judges advises him to take care of his voice as it changes with his age. I sure hope he does. I follow him on Instagram, and it has definitely deepened since this appearance. He is still out there singing, and I look forward to seeing how his artistic career develops.

Are you too so moved by this little boy’s incredible singing and feeling?

What is your favorite part? Which judges’ reaction did you enjoy the most? Leave a comment below.

Cover photo from René Porter on Unsplash.