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Do You Love Watching Singers Dance Bulerías? | The Weekly Letra

What is is about watching singers, guitarists, and palmeros dance por bulerías?

You’re in for a treat, for that’s exactly what José Mijita does at the end of the video below.

(Quick note before I get to that: We all know by now how important understanding cante is in bulerías, and flamenco in general. You can learn about cante por bulerías and how it can help you become a better dancer directly from José himself & Carmen Herrera online from wherever you are in the world. ¡Olé!)

Now, here’s a letra you’ll hear in the video below:


Deja una batita de cola
cuando va de cara al viento
mi barca sobre las olas.

In the waves my boat leaves
the long train of a flamenco skirt
when it heads face first into the wind.

Hear him sing this about 1:30 into the video below. Can you pick it out?

Now listen to Manolo Caracol sing it here at 41:30.

Other Letras You Hear

This is the first letra José sings about one minute in,

And you can hear this one five minutes in.

A note

I also considered this translation:

My boat leaves the long train of a flamenco skirt
when the wind pushes it
face first into the waves

Which do you prefer? Or would you put it another way? Let me know below.

And José, Carmen, and I hope to see you Sunday, January 16th!