Last night at my best friend's show, which I really hope you can see someday, I heard this letra. I knew I wanted to remember this one, so I took out my little book and scribbled the first line down.

Ricardo was sitting next to me and laughed, as is often the case.

But I knew I had to write it down ...


Navegando me perdí 
por esos mares de Dios
y con la luz de tus ojos
a puerto de mar salí

I got lost sailing
in these seas of God
and by the light of your eyes
I made it to the seaport

You can listen to Niño de Almadén sing the letra here.

By the way, I am writing to you from Santa Barbara, and the show I'm talking about that I really want you to see is Manuel Liñan's Nomada. Me quedo sin palabras. It was the best show I've seen in, I don't know, maybe forever. And he was out-of-control-beyond-amazing.

I did an interview with Manuel yesterday which will I'll be posting soon, so stay tuned for that. (You can see a snippet of it here right now.)

UPDATE: View the full interview with Manuel Liñan here.

A Mystery Guest Artist is Coming to town

Very soon! 

And here are 10 random facts about him ...

1. He is from Madrid

2. He likes to ski but he hasn’t been skiing in a long time. Mainly he likes the clothes you wear which I totally don’t get because I’ve never liked ski clothes…

3. He is charming. Encantador!

4. He doesn’t like dancing por tientos. Another thing that baffles me.

5. He’s traveled and performed all over the world.

6. He’s been to Portland before.

7. He’s loved to dance for as long as he can remember.

8. He seems to have an obsession with mayonnaise.

9. He dances por siguiriyas and bulerías like nobody’s business.

10. He is trained in flamenco, Spanish classical, modern and ballet.

And one more ... (You do not want to hear him sing)

Thank you, Ricardo, for your translation help. Oh, and gracias a David Carpio and Miguel Ortega for filling in the gaps to the missing words.

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