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You're Pretty | The Weekly Letra

The other day my friend David posted a snippet of the video below to my Facebook wall. It's from the 2013 Fiesta de la Bulería, and you'll see Triana dancing when she was even younger (so great!) along with a lot of strong women doing their flamenco thing. 

Let's start with this:


Eres bonita
y no te has casado.
Alguna falta
te han encontrado.

You're pretty, 
and you haven't married.
Some kind of flaw,
they've found in you.

You can hear it below at 13 minutes and 30 seconds, and you can see Triana dancing starting at 12 minutes 50 seconds.

(See a close up of her dancing during this show here around 45 seconds.)

You can listen to another version with Los Zambos here.

This verse is also a Mirabrás juguetillo. I'll publish a video of this next time, so stay tuned! (You can learn more about what a juguetillo is - and a lot of other stuff about flamenco - here at FLAMENCOPOLIS.

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