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Bulerías de Jerez in Jerez

Bulerías doesn’t exist anywhere as it does in Jerez.

It’s just its own thing there

And that's that.

That's why they call it Bulerías de Jerez.

I'm not saying you have to be in Jerez to do bulerías or anything like that.

Not at all.

You can find and do bulerías all over the place.

Nor am I saying you have to be from Jerez to do awesome bulerías.

Not at all.

(Many of you know how Ricardo first got me with his bulerías back in 2006. )

But, anyway, bulerías de Jerez, in Jerez

In Jerez you hear bulerías all over the place.

Coming from cars, bars, passing by the window of someone's house, people singing in the street, at restaurants,

And of course at all of the peña shows and concerts.

When we're in Jerez on the Flamenco Tour we do a lot of bulerías with Ana María López. It's so much fun.

In class Ani gives out little bulerías consejos.

Here is one for you today:

La bulería puede ser un poquito más corta o un poquito más larga,

Nada más.

Bulerías de Jerez tend to be short.

Each individual's dance that is, because bulerías can go on forever and ever. I witnessed that at the fería years ago.

But when it's your turn to dance, cortita, short, is how it must be.

And the truth is, if you just follow the structure, keeping it short is a piece of cake! Don't worry, we learn how to do this in Jerez.

Stick around, more bulerías bits to follow.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this flamenco form. How do you like your bulerías? What are your curiosities about bulerías? Leave a comment below.

We're Going to España!

It's a Flamenco Tour to Jerez in October and another to Barcelona in November. Sign up here to get all of the details.