experience flamenco

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Ricardo López - An Interview

This interview took place in the fall of 2010 when  Ricardo was here in Portland with us. October 31, 2010

Ricardo, why did you begin dancing flamenco? Because I enjoyed it and had a good time doing it. From the time I was little I was interested in dancing, anything and everything. It's not so much that I chose to dance as dancing chose me. I danced at all of the fiestas at school. Then I started dancing sevillanas, and I met someone who danced flamenco; he introduced me to Paco Romero, and I began studying with him. One thing just lead to another.

What motivates you to dance? It's not what motivates me to dance, it is that dancing motivates me.

Why do you like teaching? I like teaching people who enjoy learning.

For you, what is difference between dancing for a company and dancing in a tablao? The difference is the audience. In a company all of the people go to see flamenco. In a tablao some people go to eat, some to see flamenco, some because they're out and decide to stop in…I enjoy dancing in a company more because I like dancing in theatres. I prefer this type of interaction with the public to being so close to them in a tablao where you see the sweat and everything.

View Ricardo's interview on Univision Portland's Pulso H: