I saw a video of Lole Montoya singing this, and oh my goodness. (You'll find that video following the letra by the way.)


Si me quieres por fuera y no por dentro
Quítate de mi vera cariño lento
Si me quieres por dentro y no por fuera
Déjame que te bese tu piel morena

If you love me on the outside and not on the inside
Slowly leave my side, Love
If you love me on the inside and not on the outside
Let me kiss your dark skin

I don't know who to attribute it to or if it's a popular verse...

Hear her sing it with Rafael and Raimundo Amador accompanying in the video snippet of Triana Pura y Pura below. (I'm pretty positive you'll want to watch the pataita at the end too.)


Let's Do Flamenco in España ...

Barcelona with David Romero, Jerez with Mercedes Ruíz. The details are right here.
