Here's that show we saw the final night of the Flamenco Tour.

Go to 10:15 to hear today's letra and to see La Chati, Jesús's mother-in-law, sing it.  

Watch her.

Watch it all.  

You'll see lots of good stuff.  (Even Perico playing cajón and palmas.)


Qué cosita más sensible
es pelear con la muerte
y alcanzarla es imposible

What a sensitive thing
it is to fight with death
and to achieve it is impossible

This began as a way to remember Jerez.


Where they're still doing lots of bulerías.

I'll go back soon for more, perhaps even with you.

Until then, there's enough going on here in Portland.

UPDATE: You can hear La Chati sing this one nine minutes into the video.


Yes, todavía me cuesta, el acto de traducir.  I welcome your comments and suggestions.  
