Popular/Adapt. Mayte Martín

Ven a borrrame los fracasos de mi mente ven a llenarme de caricias diferentes ven a sacarme de este pozo de amargura donde me encuentro yo...

Y dame el agua de tu fuente cristalina y dame el beso que sin darse se adivina que estoy sediento de cariño sin medida cansada de dar amor.

De volar siempre buscando la fantasía de nido en nido como paloma perdída. estoy cansada de secretos y mentiras buscando un gran amor Que sea capáz de enamorarme cada día velar mi sueño mientras que yo estoy dormida mirarme siempre con la mirada encendída igual que miro yo...

Dame tu mano sin temor a equivocarte si tú me entiendes yo nunca voy a engañarte dame las cosas que nunca supieron darme te llenaré de amor...

Y no hagas caso de lo que diga la gente tienen envidia porque yo amo libremente porque mi amor es como un pájaro silvestre que no se puede enjaular...

Y vuela siempre buscando la fantasía de nido en nido como paloma perdída. estoy cansao de secretos y mentiras buscando un gran amor Que sea capáz de enamorarme cada día, velar mis sueños mientras que yo estoy dormida mirarme siempre con la mirada encendída igual que miro yo...


Come erase the failures of my mind come fill me with different caresses come take me from this well of bitterness where I find myself...

And give me the water from your crystalline fountain and give me the kiss that when not given is imagined I am thirsty from unrestrained affection tired of giving love

From flying constantly in search of the fantasy from nest to nest like a lost dove I am tired of secrets and lies looking for a great love May I have the ability to fall in love every day to watch over my dreams as I sleep see me always with the lit up look just as I do.

Give me your hand without fear of messing up if you understand me I will never deceive you.give me the things they never knew to give me, I will fill you with love...

And pay no attention to what the people say, they are jealous, for I love freely because my love is like a wild bird that cannot be caged...

Always flying in search of the fantasy from nest to nest like a lost dove. I am tired of secrets and lies in search of great love May I be able to fall in love every day, to watch over my dreams as I sleep see me always with the lit up look just as I do... 

You can watch and listen to her sing it here.

Ricardo taught us a dance to this one the last time he came.  You know how he loves Mayte Martín.  Anyway, he's coming back in April, woo-hoo!


This one was really hard to do.  (Especially this particular line, mirarme siempre con la mirada encendída igual que miro yo.)  But I tried.  And, sorry, I know much of the poetry has been lost in my translation...  As always, your suggestions are welcomed. Leave a comment.

Edit:  After much consultation with Ricardo about those lines, trying to make sense of the reflective use of the verb and what not, I changed the translation from just as I look to just as I do and took the to off of to look.  Ricardo explained its meaning like this... Que mire igual que yo lo hago... con la mirada encendida.
